We follow an integrated approach, whereby the use of technology is woven into the curriculum and it is seen as a tool for learning, rather than an added extra or a stand-alone. The necessary IT skills such as word processing, digital presentations, spreadsheets are used to enhance our curriculum. We strive to create technology-infused learning experiences for our children and expose them to a variety of platforms such as Microsoft, Google and Apple through desktop computers and mobile technology.
From Grade R to Grade 3, technology is brought into the classroom on a more meaningful level with the use of iPads, and our teachers use the technology to enhance and transform both teaching and learning. Not every lesson requires the use of technology, but the iPad is seen as an additional tool for learning. Our focus is on content creation and innovation, and the preparation of our pupils as capable and responsible Digital Citizens.
Coding is an essential skill for young people preparing for the future workplace. The skills learnt from coding are less about actually learning to code, and more about learning life skills such as how to solve problems, troubleshooting, perseverance, collaboration and creative thinking. Our children are exposed to various forms of age-appropriate coding platforms such as online coding programmes, Bee-Bots and Robotics.